



These Terms & Conditions govern the provision of ChauffeurAi Limited services to its Customers and the nature of the relationship between ChauffeurAi Limited and its Customers.

Notwithstanding any other agreements, policies or related documents which these Terms & Conditions reference, ChauffeurAi Limited and its Customers agree these Terms & Conditions represent the totality of the relationship between ChauffeurAi Limited and its Customers.

The Terms & Conditions herein supersede all previous terms and constitute a legally binding agreement between ChauffeurAi Limited and its Customers.


 “Account” means financial credit offered to an Account Customer by the Company on Fares and Additional Charges governed by the Account Special Terms & Conditions.

“Account Application Form” means the form (or application method) prescribed by the Company to be completed by a Customer for an Account.

“Account Customer(s)” means any person or business requesting or in receipt of an Account from the Company.

“Account Special Terms & Conditions” means those provisions governing an Account as listed below under “ACCOUNT(S) – PRIVATE HIRE BOOKING(S)”.

“Additional Charge(s)” means ancillary monies paid by the Customer (which includes, but is not limited to, surcharges, cancellation charges, parking charges, emission zone charges and congestion charges).
“Booking Request” means a Passenger Transport Booking Request.

“Cancellation Fees” means the cancellation fees set out in “CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY”

Communication Software” means a mobile application, accessed using a Mobile Device, which transmits Private Hire Booking details using telecommunication or navigation software (that is to say software or programs capable of sending and / or receiving data in any form (including, but not limited to, credit or debit card payments, voice telephony, cellular data, wireless data, SMS and MMC messages, digital or analogue radio signals)) licensed or otherwise supplied to the Customer for the performance of a Transportation Service.
“ChauffeurAi” means ChauffeurAi Ltd., a private limited company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 14956466 whose registered office is at 10 Parchment St, Winchester SO23 8AT.

“Company” means ChauffeurAi Limited of 

(Company Registration No. 14956466).

“Customer(s)” means any person who makes a Private Hire Booking, including all associated passengers to that private hire booking, for a Transportation Service.

“Driver” means a natural person or legal entity providing Passenger Transport Services. All Drivers are licenced and certified in accordance with all applicable (local) laws and regulations and also drive vehicles licenced and certified in accordance with all applicable (local) laws and regulations.

“Driver Services” means the Passenger Transport Services.

“Drop-Off Location” means location specified by User in the Booking Request.

““Fare(s)” means the money paid by a Customer for the provision of a Private Hire Booking and Transportation Service.

“Licensing Authority” means Winchester City Council

“Mobile Device(s)” means a portable wireless handheld device owned by the Customer that enables connection to a telecommunications network for the transmission and receipt of voice, video or other data and can be used in conjunction with the Communication Software.

“Passenger” means the natural person (who may be the User or another individual) who is the subject of the Passenger Transport Service.

“Passenger Transport Booking Request” means the User’s request for a Driver to perform the Passenger Transport Service, setting out details of the desired Pick-Up Time, Pick-Up Location, Drop-Off Location and any other information required by the Driver relating to the requested Passenger Transport Service.

“Passenger Transport Service” means the private hire transportation of a Passenger from one location to another by a Driver in accordance with a Passenger Transport Booking Request, these Terms, and the PHV Regulations.

“Pick-Up Location” means location specified by User in the Booking Request where Driver is required to: a) pick up a Passenger.

“Pick-Up Time” means time specified by User, and confirmed by Driver, to collect: a) a Passenger in respect of the Passenger Transport Services

“Private Hire Booking(s)” means the same as that defined but is not limited to,the Town

Police Clauses Act 1847, as amended, and Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Attention is also drawn to certain provisions of the Transport Acts 1980, 1981 and 1985, and Regulations made under the Road Traffic Acts.

“Private Hire Licensing Law” means, but is not limited to,the Town

Police Clauses Act 1847, as amended, and Part II of the Local

Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Attention is also

drawn to certain provisions of the Transport Acts 1980, 1981 and 1985,

and Regulations made under the Road Traffic Acts.

“Private Hire Operator” means the same as that defined but is not limited to,the Town

Police Clauses Act 1847, as amended, and Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Attention is also drawn to certain provisions of the Transport Acts 1980, 1981 and 1985, and Regulations made under the Road Traffic Acts.

“Private Hire Vehicle(s)” means the same as that defined but is not limited to,the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, as amended, and Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Attention is also drawn to certain provisions of the Transport Acts 1980, 1981 and 1985, and Regulations made under the Road Traffic Acts.

“Private Hire Vehicle Driver(s)” means the same as that required by but is not limited to, the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, as amended, and Part II of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. Attention is also drawn to certain provisions of the Transport Acts 1980, 1981 and 1985, and Regulations made under the Road Traffic Acts.

“Terms” means this document and incorporates any other agreements, policies or related documents referenced herein.

“Transportation Service(s)” means the conveying, using a licensed Private Hire Vehicle driven by a licensed Private Hire Vehicle Driver, a Customer and / or belongings from a collection point to destination point in accordance with a Private Hire Booking made by, for or on behalf of that Customer.

“User” means private person or legal person (company) making use of the website, booking system or Transport Services.


The Company is an incorporated company carrying on an independent business as a Private Hire Operator inviting, and accepting, Private Hire Booking(s).

The Customer is a person making a Private Hire Booking with the Company for Transportation Services.


The Company shall, as a licensed Private Hire Operator, invite and accept Private Hire Bookings in accordance with Private Hire Licensing Law.

The Company shall confirm to the Customer its acceptance of a Private Hire Booking in accordance with Private Hire Licensing Law.

The Company will, in accepting a Private Hire Booking from a Customer, engage a Private Hire Vehicle Driver(s) and Private Hire Vehicle(s) for the Transportation Service(s).

The Company shall determine at its discretion the manner of performance of the Private Hire Booking and Transportation Service(s).

The Company reserves the right, subject to Private Hire Licensing Law (including, but not limited to, the Equality Act 2010 (as amended)), to refuse a Private Hire Booking request or withdraw a Transportation Service.


The Customer shall ensure all information provided to the Company for a Private Hire Booking is accurate and correct.

The Customer shall pay a Fare to the Company in consideration of the Private Hire Booking and Transportation Service.

The Customer shall pay any Additional Charge(s), howsoever incurred, to the Company, at a reasonable rate specified by the Company from time to time, for the following:

Airport parking expenses incurred during the Transportation Service(s).

Cancellation of a Private Hire Booking by the Customer after engagement, or commencement, of the Transportation Service.

Congestion or Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) charge expenses incurred during the Transportation Service.

Surcharge(s) in respect of the following:

  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring transit from or to an airport or railway station.
  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring transit into London.
  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring transit on Good Friday, Christmas Day or other bank holidays (pursuant to the Banking & Financial Dealings Act 1971 (as amended)).
  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring transit outside of normal business hours.
  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring transit during periods of peak demand.
  • Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) requiring specific vehicle types.

Variations to Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s), from that accepted in the original Private Hire Booking, at the request of the Customer.

Waiting time resulting from acts or omissions by the Customer during provision of the Transportation Service.

Acts or omissions by the Customer during provision of the Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) resulting in expense or loss by the Company.

The Customer shall, unless the Customer holds an Account or it is otherwise specified by the Company, make payment of the Fare and Additional Charges upon completion of the Transportation Service.

The Customer Fares and Additional Charges shall, in the circumstances noted above, be collected by the Company collecting a credit or debit card payment using the Communication Software.

The Customer may raise complaints about the Private Hire Booking or Transportation Service in writing (subject to Private Hire Licensing Law) and submit it to the Company’s offices at 10 Parchment St, Winchester SO23 8AT.

Payment processors

In order to charge set rates, ChauffeurAi uses services of third party payment processors. ChauffeurAi is not responsible or liable for errors by these payment processors.


The Company offers at its exclusive discretion an Account service to Account Customers for use by Customers of Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s).

The Company requires the submission of a prescribed Account Application Form by the Account Customer(s) in a manner satisfactory to the Company.

The Company may, subject to satisfying requirements, accept an Account Customer’s Account Application Form and, at its discretion, extend a line of credit on the Fare(s) and Additional Charge(s) incurred by an Account Customer from the Company’s provision of Private Hire Booking(s) and Transportation Service(s) to a Customer.

The Account Customer shall be solely responsible for ensuring appropriate security measures are taken to protect the Account service facility against abuse and shall indemnify the Company against such risk.

The Account Customer shall ensure only those personnel specified as authorised by the Account Customer on the Account Application Form shall use the Account service.

The Account Customer shall pay all invoices for Fare(s) and Additional Charge(s) accrued raised by the Company within 30 working days of receipt.

The Account Customer shall pay interest at 3% above the Bank of England base rate where the Account Customer fails to make payment by the deadline.

The Company may change the terms or arrangements for the provision of the Account Application Form or Account service and may refuse an Account Application Form or Account service credit request at any time for any reason.

The Company reserves the right to terminate an Account service with immediate effect at any time for any reason.

The Account Customer(s) obligations under will only cease once all Account payments due to the Company have been settled in full.


The Company and Customer shall, upon being affected, forthwith inform the other party of the matters constituting force majeure and keep the other party fully informed of the continuance and of any change of circumstances whilst such force majeure continues.

The Company shall not be liable for any breach of its obligations resulting from a cause beyond its control including but not limited to fire, weather, strikes, insurrection, riots, embargoes, shortage of materials, delays in transportation, requirements of civil or military authority, war, civil unrest or terrorist action.

The Company shall not, in the circumstances at Clause 7.2, be liable for any delay in performance or non-performance of any of its obligations due to force majeure.


The Company agrees to licence for the purposes outlined above to the Customer the Communication Software.

The Customer agrees to use the Communication Software in accordance with all terms and conditions (including applicable End User Licence Agreement (EULA) or related third party agreements) under which it is supplied and will be liable for all damage and impairment to the Communication Software resulting from actions or omissions by the Customer.

The Company reserves the right to make changes to the Communication Software licensed to the Customer from time to time and to change the terms on which it is licensed.


The Company will maintain in respect of the Company’s business all necessary insurance policies required by, but not limited to, Private Hire Licensing Law.

The Customer accepts sole responsibility for ensuring proper insurance coverage for the transit by the Company of any of the Customers goods or items.


These Terms do not constitute a contract for the sale or transfer of ownership rights of any material (including Communication Software) supplied by the Company to a Customer.

The Company retains ownership of, pursuant to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, any and all material (including Communication Software) supplied by the Company.


The Company will abide by all relevant provisions set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 (as incorporated by the Data Protection Act 2018).

The Company will present the Customer with a copy of the Company’s Privacy Policy pursuant to Article 12 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679.

11.3 The Company is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Registration Number ZA883272).


12.1 These Terms are governed by, and subject to, the laws of England.




By using our website or app, you (“Customer”) agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). These Terms also apply to the supply of all transportation services and other services booked via the website (https://www.ChauffeurAi.co.uk), telephone, email, SMS or App.

ChauffeurAi request a minimum of 3 hours notice for any online bookings during office hours (09:00 TO 17:00 UK time).

If you would like to book a car with less than 3 hours notice – Please call our helpline: +44 (0)1962 398669.

Whilst we do our utmost to ensure our drivers are punctual, you will understand that we cannot accept responsibility for delays caused by circumstances out of our control.

The driver will drive at safe and sensible speeds in accordance with road conditions, traffic and the legal speed limits.

Customers are responsible for any damage they cause to the interior and or exterior of a vehicle on hire to them and will be billed accordingly for any repair or valeting required in order to reinstate a vehicle to working order – as well as any subsequent loss of business for the driver for the consequence of their vehicle being off the road.

We may subcontract bookings to another private hire operator.

By supplying your email address you permit ChauffeurAi to contact you via email, in return, we promise never to supply your email to any third party. Please see our privacy policy.

We reserve the right to change your vehicle or chauffeur at any time if necessary.

Every effort will be made by ChauffeurAi Ltd to ensure that our vehicle(s) or subcontractors vehicle(s) arrive on time. It is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for completion of the Service. ChauffeurAi gives any advice on journey times in good faith but does not guarantee the completion of any journey in any specific time and will not be liable for any direct or consequential loss, delay or inconvenience caused to the Passenger(s) by the actual journey time (including but not limited to flight and hotel costs).

Our Chauffeurs will travel by the most appropriate route on the day unless instructed otherwise by the Client at the time of booking.

ChauffeurAi vehicle(s) and sub-contracted vehicles are fully insured for passenger and third party claims. However, customer’s properties are carried entirely at their own risk and ChauffeurAi Ltd shall not be held responsible/liable for any loss/damage to such property.

The Passenger shall be responsible for their luggage and personal items at all times and shall ensure that they are loaded into the vehicle prior to the commencement of the service and unloaded from the vehicle upon completion of the service. ChauffeurAi will accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to luggage and personal items or consequential losses arising as a result of luggage and personal items that are not loaded or unloaded from the Passenger vehicle

ChauffeurAi will keep a lost property book and will endeavour to return any lost goods left in our vehicle(s) or subcontracted vehicle(s) to the customer.

ChauffeurAi and its chauffeurs have the right to refuse to carry any passenger who is thought to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and whose behaviour poses a threat either to the Chauffeur, the vehicle or any other passenger(s).

ChauffeurAi maintains a strict non-smoking policy in all its vehicles.

Online quotations do not allow for public and bank holidays like Christmas Day. On Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, there will be a 100% surcharge on all journeys. All other Bank Holidays will be subject to a 50% surcharge.

All major sporting events such as Wimbledon and Ascot are charged at a premium rate which may mean online bookings for these types of events may not be valid.

We do not accept online bookings for wedding journeys. Weddings are a specialist booking and we require that you call the office to discuss and book your wedding journeys.

Nothing contained in these terms and conditions can affect the Customers’ statutory rights.




ChauffeurAi are a licensed private hire vehicle operator. As such, we only accept booking requests for chauffeur-driven travel directly from our customers/passengers. We will provide a ‘Booking Confirmation’ in accordance with the obligations of our licence. Our chauffeurs are not licensed to accept a booking request. Please only book via our website booking form, email: info@ChauffeurAi.co.uk, or telephone: 01962 398669

The contract for all bookings is between the customer/passenger (i.e: the company or person booking and paying for the transport service) and ChauffeurAi Ltd. ChauffeurAi is responsible for both accepting the booking as well as the provision of the transportation services.

ChauffeurAi only accept payments directly. Our chauffeurs never collect fares.

The Company reserves the right, subject to Private Hire Licensing Law (including, but not limited to, the Equality Act 2010 (as amended)), to refuse a Private Hire Booking request or withdraw a Transportation Service. All bookings are subject to availability.


User guarantees that Passengers will comply with the following rules and guidelines:

No more than 4 (four) passengers in one vehicle (or 8 (eight) passengers for V-class).

No smoking.

No littering, eating or spilling of liquids.

No distracting the driver from the road.

No causing hazardous situations.

User shall be responsible for the cost of repair for damage to, or necessary cleaning of, Driver’s vehicles and resulting from the Driver Services in excess of normal “wear and tear” damages and necessary cleaning. In the event that a Driver reports the need for repair or cleaning via submitting to ChauffeurAi and to the User a photo or video proof of the damages or soiling, and such request is verified in ChauffeurAi’s reasonable discretion, ChauffeurAi reserves the right to facilitate payment for such repair or cleaning on behalf of the Driver using User’s payment method designated in User’s account. Such amounts will be transferred by ChauffeurAi to the Driver and are non-refundable. User will receive an email with a receipt evidencing that the amount charged is equal to the cost of cleaning or repair.

In particular, but without prejudice to the generality of this clause, should a User and/or Passenger smoke in any vehicle whilst using the Passenger Transport Service, then ChauffeurAi shall be entitled to apply a cleaning fee of £200, which will be automatically charged to the User’s primary payment method.


“Excluded Good(s)” include:

any good(s) which are radioactive, toxic, flammable, explosive, noxious or otherwise of an inherently dangerous nature;

any good(s), the possession of which is illegal or which it is illegal to export under the laws of England and Wales;

any good(s) of a perishable nature that may deteriorate in transit unless agreed otherwise in writing by or on our behalf/on behalf of the Driver;

any good(s) that are fragile and/or that are likely to be damaged in transit unless the precise nature of the good(s) has been notified to ChauffeurAi in writing at the time of making the Booking Request and Driver has agreed to undertake delivery thereof in writing and subject to User having arranged insurance for carriage thereof; or

any bullion, precious metals, cash (coins or banknotes) precious stones, jewellery, antiques, works of art, livestock, animals, glass or part-glass items, marble, ceramics, security safes, pianos, house removals or perishable foodstuffs unless the precise nature of the good(s) has been notified to us, in writing at the time of making the Booking Request and Driver has agreed to undertake delivery thereof in writing and subject to User having arranged insurance for carriage thereof.




Payment Terms — All payments are due in full before any bookings are undertaken. Online bookings are charged automatically by ChauffeurAi at the time we confirm your booking.

Payment Methods — ChauffeurAi accept most Credit or Debit cards including American Express. BACS transfers must be received before any bookings are undertaken.

Wedding Bookings — For wedding bookings, a 25% deposit is required at the time of the booking, with the remaining balance due 14 days prior to the actual booking.

Changes to Bookings — Any deviations to the original booking price, such as additional waiting time, extra hours, car parking and address changes, will automatically be charged from the credit card that you provided upon booking.

Credit Card Statement — The charge on your credit card statement will be shown as ChauffeurAi Ltd.

Preauthorisation — ChauffeurAi may pre-authorise a user’s credit card to ensure that there are enough funds to pay for the booking.

Multiple credit cards — Customers may link multiple credit cards to a personal or business account. Upon booking, customers may choose their preferred card. In the event that ChauffeurAi is unable to charge the preferred card, it will charge any other card linked to the customers personal or business account.




Invoices — All invoices to be paid to ChauffeurAi, within 30 days of the date of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Monthly payment — On approval, business account customers can pay monthly. ChauffeurAi will provide a detailed invoice at the beginning of each month. This will include a breakdown of all journeys and charges, disbursements, parking and cancellation fees incurred under that business account during the preceding month.

Overdue payment — ChauffeurAi reserves the right to suspend customers access to their business account in the event of any overdue payment.

Late payment charges — ChauffeurAi reserves the right to be paid all costs for recovering late payment from overdue business account customers. This will include ChauffeurAi’s administrative costs and any associated costs incurred with lawyers or debt collection agencies. Any delays shall pay interest at 3% above the Bank of England base rate where the Account Customer fails to make payment by the deadline.




If a booking is cancelled by the Customer more than 24 hours from the start of the period of hire, all monies paid will be refundable.

If a booking is cancelled by the Customer less than 24 hours from the start of the period of hire, 50% of all monies paid will be non-refundable.

If a booking is cancelled by the Customer less than 12 hours from the start of the period of hire, 100% of all monies paid will be non-refundable.

If a wedding booking is cancelled 30 days before the start of the period of hire, the deposit will be non-refundable.

If multiple vehicle bookings are cancelled by the Customer, within 7 days before the start of the period of hire, 100% of all monies paid will be non-refundable.

If the customer does not appear at the time and place designated as the pickup point, all monies paid will be non-refundable.




ChauffeurAi consumers have legal rights in relation to services that are not performed with professionalism and a duty of care, either by our chauffeurs, or our office team. Advice about the legal rights of consumers is available from:

The Citizens’ Advice Bureau (www.citizensadvice.org.uk)

Trading Standards (www.gov.uk/find-local-trading-standards-office)




If the customer has any complaints regarding ChauffeurAi, the customer is encouraged to inform ChauffeurAi as soon as possible, but no later than 7 days after the booking.

ChauffeurAi will always try to facilitate an amicable solution to any complaint and may provide a refund or an account credit after the resolution of each case has been carefully looked into.




All trademark rights, copyright, database rights and any other intellectual property rights of any nature relating to ChauffeurAi are exclusively owned by ChauffeurAi Ltd.




ChauffeurAi guarantees its customers that all their personal data remains safe and private. Any personal data that customers supply to ChauffeurAi upon booking by app, online, email or phone will be used by ChauffeurAi in accordance with its privacy policy only.

ChauffeurAi uses the services of third party payment processors. ChauffeurAi is not responsible or liable for any errors by these payment processors who hold PCI-DSS certification.




By using www.ChauffeurAi.co.uk you agree to our use of cookies. View our privacy and cookie policies.




ChauffeurAi may provide promotional rides or rewards from time to time. ChauffeurAi is free to delete promotional rides or rewards from customers personal or business accounts, if there is reason to suspect fraud in particular when there are reasons to believe that User engages in referral fraud by creating duplicate accounts.




To the fullest extent permitted by law, including but not limited to the PHV Regulations, ChauffeurAi are in no event liable for any indirect, punitive, exemplary or consequential losses or damages of whatsoever kind suffered or incurred by a User arising out of the Passenger Transport Services.

If User has any complaints regarding the actions or inactions of:

any Driver(s), then it shall contact the ChauffeurAi in the first instance then the User shall consequently handle this with the Driver directly.

Neither ChauffeurAi or Driver in any event liable for:

failure to meet any of ChauffeurAi’s obligations under these Terms where such failure is due to events beyond ChauffeurAi’s control (for example a network failure);

any damage or alteration to User’s equipment including but not limited to computer equipment, handheld device or mobile telephones as a result of the use of the website.

In no event shall ChauffeurAi’s aggregate liability for any and all claims arising out of the provision of (i) the Passenger Transport Services (howsoever caused whether by contract, tort (including negligence) breach of statutory duty or otherwise) exceed £300.

Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit ChauffeurAi’s liability for a) death or personal injury caused by ChauffeurAi’s negligence; b) fraud; or c) any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.




These Terms and all non-contractual obligations arising in any way whatsoever out of or in connection with the Terms are exclusively governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes or claims arising out of or related to these Terms are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

If any provision of these Terms shall be deemed unlawful, void or otherwise unenforceable, then such provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

ChauffeurAi may change the Terms at any time by posting a revised version on its website. Any change shall come into effect and be deemed accepted by the User if the User continues using the website or any services offered by ChauffeurAi after the revised version is posted.




If the User has a complaint relating to these Terms, the website or any services available through the website, ChauffeurAi will try to resolve the complaint using its internal complaints-handling procedure. Please contact ChauffeurAi by email at info@chauffeurai.co.uk.

If the complaints-handling procedure is exhausted and ChauffeurAi has not been able to resolve the complaint, ChauffeurAi will provide the name and website address of an alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) provider that would be competent to deal with the complaint. If the User makes a request for the dispute to be settled by ADR, ChauffeurAi will consider whether or not it wishes to participate in ADR but is not obliged by law to participate.

The User may wish to use the online dispute resolution (“ODR”) platform to resolve the dispute, although ChauffeurAi is not obliged by law to participate in the process. The ODR platform was created by the EU Commission as a platform that allows consumers and traders to settle disputes relating to online purchases with the assistance of an impartial dispute resolution body. For more details, please visit the website on the “Your Europe” portal: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr. (ChauffeurAi’s email address is info@chauffeurai.co.uk)

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